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Article: Mindfulness and greentech start-up – how do they fit together?

Achtsamkeit und Greentech Start-up – wie passt das zusammen?

Mindfulness and greentech start-up – how do they fit together?

As part of an online meetup of the Rotary Club Reutlingen Tübingen Nord, our founder Julian looked at the connection between mindfulness and our everyday life as a start-up. In this article, we describe how mindfulness fits into everyday start-up life, despite the apparent contradiction to young and fast-growing companies.

What constitutes mindfulness

The term and the concept behind mindfulness have been gaining popularity for some time now. For many people, it is now a way to reduce stress and go through everyday life more calmly. It is about being mindful of the here and now in every moment. Instead of simply letting habits and behavior patterns take their course, you concentrate on what is happening in every moment and how you feel about it. This also means that the concept of mindfulness primarily increases awareness of yourself and your surroundings. It primarily relates to the present, i.e. what is happening in this moment.

The supposed contradiction between mindfulness and start-ups

We at rezemo asked ourselves how we as a team could integrate mindfulness more strongly into our everyday work. We initially came across a fundamental contradiction. Instead of focusing on the present, start-ups are by nature future- and performance-oriented. It's about proving yourself and the feasibility of your own ideas and regularly going the "extra mile" to achieve this. Economic success and thus the security for the continued existence of the company lie in the future. So we asked ourselves how the two seemingly contradictory concepts could find common ground.

Challenges in the present as potentials for the future

To do this, we went back to our beginnings and considered how our start-up came about . For us, it was the search for a transparent and sustainable solution for disposable packaging, such as coffee capsules. We recognized early on how serious the problem is of disposable packaging made from fossil raw materials. This includes packaging made from petroleum-based plastic or aluminum, for example. We also realized that the problem has been so serious so far because there are no 100% bio-based, transparent and sustainable solutions for the application area of ​​disposable packaging. You can find more information about the raw materials for our wooden coffee capsules on our THE CAPSULE page or in our WHITEPAPER .

Why mindfulness and start-up life go together

And this is precisely where the key to linking start-ups and mindfulness lies for us at rezemo. We have made future orientation and innovative strength our core values . We can only maintain these if we continually confront our current reality and try to think anew in order to solve these problems.

To solve these problems, we must seize opportunities and start today to make them feasible for the future. Our rezemo wooden coffee capsules and thus the origin of our start-up are therefore based on attention and mindfulness. At the same time, mindfulness also runs through our team and the work of each individual at rezemo on a daily basis. As a young company, we face new challenges and questions every day - only through mindful interpersonal and personal interaction will we be successful together in the long term.


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